Save the Bandstand Many of us enjoyed the recent centenary celebrations for the Bandstand. The music, singing and dancing in this historic venue showed all that is best about this...
Petition Opposing the Proposed Increases in Parking Charges The below petition has now closed and been presented to Canterbury City Council. Following their initial rejection of our calls to reduce parking hikes, we have...
Greenhill goes greener! I want to lead from the front to make Greenhill a more sustainable community, helping residents enjoy a better environment, less pollution and improved health...
A new school for the Bay We want every child to achieve their potential, whatever their strengths and ambitions. That's why Herne Bay Conservatives have been pushing for a new secondary...
Backing Investment in Herne Bay The Council has recently secured a large amount of new investment and supported community projects which will boost the look of the town and help improve...
Routes to a safer town for all Our growing town needs better transport options if we are to cut down on traffic congestion and pollution. That means making Herne Bay train station more...
From recovery to renewal The past year has been dominated by coronavirus, where Kent County Council has been playing its part alongside the NHS and other organisations to protect our...
Dan's guide to going green Hello! Welcome to my first blog on the million £ question – what can you in your day-to-day life to cut your carbon footprint? Not the tiny things like using...
Supporting our NHS and local schools Across the country there are thousands of examples of outstanding schools, hospitals and GP practices. But with the population rising - amongst the young and...
Campaigning for more affordable childcare I'm campaigning for 30 hours free childcare to be provided for 47 weeks per year (rather than the current 38 weeks per year) alongside my colleague Nick Campsie...
Cleaning and greening the environment I have always been passionate about supporting nature. We have a responsibility to future generations to safeguard our green spaces, reduce pollution and...
Backing Herne Bay's businesses Britain's economy relies upon its small businesses and self-employed workers. As a successful entrepreneur, I understand the challenges these companies face and...